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Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 7:55 pm
by GaryChandler
Since when have i been breaking buttons??????

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 8:33 pm
by Ruler of The World
Since you started breaking them?!

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 11:42 pm
by bubbles
i've been told you do.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 11:43 pm
by JG
Post deleted by moderator: Ruler of the World

JG banned for 12 hours

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 9:18 am
by Double Bubble
Number 1 button breaker

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 9:19 am
by Ruler of The World
If I were a mod, I'd have locked this thread up for that last comment, JG! And banned you for at least 24 minutes!!! Think about what you're saying man!!!

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 4:53 pm
by GaryChandler
Oh must be true then!

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 7:22 pm
by thecannonball89
60 luckys in gy you must be mad, closest one is 8 mile away

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 9:48 pm
by streakseims
??? ROTW said about POG and I replied that there was about 60 of them in GY. If there was 60 luckys in GT Yarmouth Lynn would be untouched lol

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 3:00 pm
by Ruler of The World
Isn't it simply ridiculous that I was born in Great Yarmouth and I've not been back when I've been so close a few times? Must go this year! Won't reveal when!

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:15 pm
by feeder22
I break buttons. So what.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:31 pm
by bubbles
i wouldn't advise it, but hey if it is how you choose to operate ;)

“Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.”

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:58 pm
by feeder22
Only certain buttons, but hey, still a button.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 12:28 am
by bubbles
do you think many of the "scumbag" players out there were born that way or this existence has twisted them up?

why are some players able to resist? i am about 20% fucked up, how fucked up do you think the game has made you?!

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 12:58 am
by JG
It's very hard to put a % on it, but the game induces dysfunctionality. At a guess I'm around 20% dysfunctional as well. I'm also on a national satellite database FFS, but that's another story.