
General fruit machine related chat, if it doesn't fit another category discuss it here..
The landlord
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Post by The landlord »

Chuck the machines and concentrate on sports gambling, it's the way forward!!! Oh and cheltenham next wk :) :) :)
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Post by harry2 »

Ruler of The World wrote:Well you know for me it doesn't end at roulette... Horse racing, football, blackjack... I simply must use the 'don't give your money to the idiot gambler within you' analogy I came up with today.
Gamble on anything

Throw coins nearest the wall waiting for the pub to open.
Betting on the colour of the next car to come down the road
Take a tenner out of our pocket and gamble if he serial number ended in an odd or even number
Worked ten days at the golf and lose the whole lot of wages in a twelve hour card school on the coach home
Was going to a mates wedding reception once. Bought the present, popped into the bookies, done the drinks money, so took the present back for a refund and done that in a bookies.

Sure, us degenerates have similar tales.

It's just like monopoly money to some. Until it runs out.
Roulette free since December 2011.
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Post by anonamouse »

been there, done that, lost it all and the kitchen sink.

"house edge" cannot be beaten.

a computer algorithm cannot be beaten, unless there is a backdoor built in, ie "tricks".

bookies overround, is where there is an edge for the educated gambler... pay £1 a day for spreadsheets of ratings and you can get in front. There's quite a few merchants that I won't name.... but a sporting event, ie a horse race has a beginning and an end... for the die-hard/ compulsive gambler that is the way out.... a machine game has NO END! you play and play and play until the money is gone.

I have subscribed to a horse rating service for a few years, and hand on heart, it's the best thing I ever did.

That £1 a day can save you £1000 a day.