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Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:20 am
by Noels Beard
Of course I have. I had a few Ij2's and R2R's. I wouldn't go in for anything less than an empty though, can't be chewed with the hassle.

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:23 am
by Glendale
Fair play! Nasty area! More front than i thought you had!

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:27 am
by maverick69
i dont mind London for playing , when i've had some good stuff in the past...central, and on the tube. Used to stay at the copthorne in south kensington 100 quid a night for a 4 star hotel. I mean its only worth it if ur on an empty. I could have got a b and b , but they were like 80 and id rather be in a hotel

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:28 am
by maverick69
Some right shithole pubs in London glendale, I only usually play alone it can be a bit daunting at times with some places.

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:29 am
by Noels Beard
I spent a year playing just in London and nowhere else. A handful of barrings but nothing physical. I was buying beers and pouring them down the toilet. It's the Irish pubs in London which are some of the worst.

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:38 am
by maverick69
I used to like doing train stations as they have a huge turnover of faces, i had a few baring's pub in maida vale another in soho... Your right about the Irish pubs...i never really had any violence i was followed into the toilets once and threatened but managed to talk my way out of it luckily. The Irish pubs can be pretty lairy... some nice pubs aswell in central with machines...alot of places dont have machines at all though

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:53 am
by Ruler of The World
Blackpool Scum Crew run London, not me, not Horse, not Pony, not David, not even Boris Johnson! When the crew are out and about, its like being up against the entire police force while you try to rob a jewellers. They do fruits, key bets, probably would do all the scratchcards in the newsagents if they had info about there being a big winner amongst the ones on sale. They're so good at getting around, various divisions or mini gangs who are all over London all at once. You'll find a town dead and quickly move on to the next one... but that's been killed off by another group of them! They have also taken on the odd rebel player just to raise the bar a bit. I know a very established player who is always hanging around with them, even though he's not from anywhere like Blackpool. That's not good because he knows shitloads of locations, yes, even hidden ones.

I say good luck to anyone who fancies their chances against that lot. I just know the select few places I can go and make money - it takes years of experience, so again, good luck to anyone who thinks they can waltz into London and take over LOL.

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:20 am
by bubbles
who you trying to convince Ruler? sounds like you can't even make £500 a week let alone run london!! lol noels and dark are probably embarassed for your fighting talk, and certainly not threatened - despite your genius inception!

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:23 am
by Ruler of The World
Concentrate on being Michael Jackson's chimp. You have work to do, your fame has dwindled big time for a long period now.

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:35 am
by eurovision1984
I have been playing since the early 80's,
Nudge shuffler, lucky 2's, nugde up & down,
The early 90's were card cash, chase the ace, 7 heaven, 7 melon, 7 jackpot, mazooma bell, nickelodeon, hi flyer, pound for pound, pay rise, twilight zone, play it again, grand national, camerlot, open the box, montecarlo, miami dice, reno reels, reno casino, cristal maze was one of the last token machines before the £10 jackpots came out & jpm machines took over & a whole new breed of professionals was born.

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:54 pm
by ob
Jpms were great in those days you could go round any town and chances are that they'll be flying plus there was so many of them about. Those were the days eh lol. Service runs were usually massive profit aswell vs now where they are pointless.

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:10 pm
by skinner
Maverick,big 50,big banker,roller coaster and snakes n ladders were my faves,great fun to play,unlike the dross of today!

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:53 pm
by trayhop123
talking of london , yesterday we covered 50fuel , carpark 16tube , food drink etc and came home with 350/175 each

so we must have took well over 450 out of machines to achieve it

this isnt a brag thread , those sort of days are far and few between for me ,

we usually end up 50plus each though , its difficult to have a losing day in london if you keep your head

its the expenses that take a huge chunk , drinks , food , parking charges , parking restrictions everywhere,congestion everywhere you go at all times of the day or night , its a daunting drive around for the uninitiated.

everything is multiplied by the effort though

if your having a shit day , its pissing it down , your bumping into other players left right and centre , youve struggled to scrape your expenses back ,and youve still got 100 mile plus drive home, it can be depressing

but londons main saving grace over most other citys is the throughput , wages are better and that is reflected in the spending habits ,you actually have to wait sometimes to get on machines, (remember back in the day in your town lol)

also theres no best day to try , , fri tue , sa , wed , , , , everyday is the same

there are untold amount of players in london on any given day ,(we bumped into two groups yesterday) but its so vast ,nobody can stay on top of everything , when an area is dead you can hop on a tube 2stops and its a different picture etc

the expenses cut into your profits , but the atmosphere in london , especially the summer with its foreign birds in little clothing etc cant be beat.

if you treat it as a pure slotting day you can be dissapointed


if you treat it more as a day out , and are happy to clear your expenses etc,you can be plesantly suprised by what is achievable

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:10 pm
by Noels Beard
It's true your posts are becoming more like lifestyle advice.

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:16 pm
by The Dark Horse
Noels Beard obviously missed my sarcasm. Never mind.
When dealing with chronically depressed people their responses will often be littered with elusive sarcasm, arrogance, belittlement and malicious anger. It serves best to ignore these negative characteristics and address the points they are often masking. The most positive results are achieved that way.

Nice to see you having a civil conversation with Glendale without letting it descend into personal attacks.