Refill keys - illegal

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Post by trayhop123 »

most modern machines have easy tells/signs that negate the need for a key, put it this way, i have one in the car but it gathers dust and i cant honestly remember when i last used it, of course they can be useful but i prefer to play the program, not the balance .
besides as someone else stated using a key is stil a grey area with no sign of clarification either way, and without trying to sound showoffish i also belong in the too much money saved to lose in an investigation camp. and even if one day it does turn out that the law is on our side, that wont stop some landlord/localmeathead giving us a kicking. :roll:
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Post by JG »

The best use of a key was in a services about two-three years ago.

I heard Prrrzzzzuup (the sound of someone using a refill key) and turned around to see a chavling keying a Bully For You.

He left pretty much straight away and I guessed it was probably too low.

First quid and CLUNK. So what that was about is anybody's guess. Walked in, keyed a machine, saw it was full, walked out again. It was also quite happy and there was no routing fault, it was properly full.

I have a key, but it very, very, very rarely gets used. For some reason I keyed up that unchipped Power 5 which is now chipped last bank holiday. I don't know why I did that. I think it was because an irritating little kid was floating around near the pay out tray and I was just waiting for him to get lost because I wanted to play without some toddler mashing up all the flavas by googoogaagaaing around my space sticking his sweaty paw into all the pay out trays (where are the parents?) including mine.

I got bored, so I keyed it. What fun. He left after I keyed it. Subconsciously, I knew that keying that Power 5 would make that toddler leave.
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Post by JG »

The best use of a key was in a services about two-three years ago.

I heard Prrrzzzzuup (the sound of someone using a refill key) and turned around to see a chavling keying a Bully For You.

He left pretty much straight away and I guessed it was probably too low.

First quid and CLUNK. So what that was about is anybody's guess. Walked in, keyed a machine, saw it was full, walked out again. It was also quite happy and there was no routing fault, it was properly full.

I have a key, but it very, very, very rarely gets used. For some reason I keyed up that unchipped Power 5 which is now chipped last bank holiday. I don't know why I did that. I think it was because an irritating little kid was floating around near the pay out tray and I was just waiting for him to get lost because I wanted to play without some toddler mashing up all the flavas by googoogaagaaing around my space sticking his sweaty paw into all the pay out trays (where are the parents?) including mine.

I got bored, so I keyed it. What fun. He left after I keyed it. Subconsciously, I knew that keying that Power 5 would make that toddler leave.
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Post by JG »


Reason: Accidental posting of emptier.
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Post by Stevie S »

ive keyed a WOW to find it £8 off full, lost about £20 in it, another time i keyed it to find it about £100 from full, to be awarded a random GATW from a fiver. I carry my key but hardly ever use it.
how about a greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray.
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Post by aferg01 »

I work by an amusement machine supplier every couple of weeks, and, after going past there yesterday, I seen one of the fella's outside and I asked if they done refill keys there, and he said "yeah."
He popped inside and brought one out. I asked how much he wanted and he said "nothin mate, don't worry about it."
I've asked the landlord of my local if he minded me using it, and, he said he couldn't give a monkeys! :)