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Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:27 am
by lukee1
Fruit of the loom top , hi tec trainers and pair o jeans off skeg market

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:16 am
by Captain.Tattybojangles
Just a usual pair of jeans and casual Tshirt, and a nice fleece jacket which varies in thickness depending on weather(which normally changes so I always end up too hot or cold anyway!) Pair of New Balance trainers and I'm set.
Never wear any polos/smart shirts; I despise buttons entirely and never feel comfortable in them!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:47 am
by redlinesman
Can never make my mind up with labels although it's nice to look smart, but you don't really need labels to do this. You can get decent stuff off the internet in sales but after a while it gets a bit tiresome of looking. I think if your early to mid 20s then you might still be involved in labels but as you get to your late 20s it's something a lot of people tend to grow out of. If your going out all the time, you want some decent clobber and a decent haircut but if your settled down you don't tend to make the effort as much or just see it as pointless. I'm saying all this, but I needed a haircut last week so popped into Rush at Earls Court and got £42 lifted from my pocket for the privilege.

For my machine wear it's normally Levi jeans as they have strong pockets, jumpers from M&S or House of Fraser and a pair of common projects trainers, I always buy this brand as they last for ages but are a bit pricey so get them in the sale. Normally get a decent jacket with some strong pockets and with a hood. Never bothered with watches or Jewellery but I would like to buy a decent watch when I finish fruit playing, but not at the moment as it would just get bashed up or go unworn.

Better get some breakfast as The Chief's picking me up at 6.15.

Regards, Sir Linesman

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:58 am
by betchrider
I'm 40 and still love my labels but were from that generation

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:35 pm
by trayhop123
any player wearing a parrot suit , whilst riding a camel who looks handy with his hoofs is getting watched like a hawk by me from now on .
unless that was a deliberate double bluff . maybe it wasn't .

iJGedit: Thumbs and hoofs up. JG loled at that.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:00 am
by ma71lda
I used to like clothes with names but these days I'm only bothered about my kids looking good. Don't get me wrong I've got A & F polos, Lyle & Scott polos, Superdry T's etc but I'm just as comfortable in a Primark T-shirt or a Peacocks T-shirt, something with a decent print on and fits well around the arms.

Same with jeans. I have named pairs but I'm more than comfortable in Primark/M&S/H&M stuff!

As long as I have a selection of nice coats and a few decent pairs of trainers/shoes everyones a winner. You always have to have a pair of plain white Adidas Superstar - its the law as they go with anything. And I'm still loving my Adidas Rom Bluebirds - quality casual, comfy trainer. Shame they now sell on Ebay for £100. :-(

You don't have to spend fortunes to look good and there are no reasons whatsoever to look like a tramp these days. Little tip - work out, a decent sized upper body can make the cheapest of T's/polos look good. :-)