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Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 4:12 pm
by mr BIG
I think now it's been put on a public forum it's only right that I give my version of events. As far I am concerned what had happened is in the past but I will give my version without the intention starting it all up again.

You say I was a cheeky and arrogant cunt towards you. I would you like you to give an example of when I was like this as my recollection of our first few meetings are very different.

First time we met you were on your own and we did a few machines together. Next few times you were with your mates and we had a brief chat. Now the next time you had one of your cronies jump out of your car and threaten to smash my car up and give it the 'this is our area speech'. This was resolved at the time. And the next time a brief chat turned into 'my mates gonna throw acid or something in my face' nice!.

Now in my opinion this is you being a cheeky cunt! This is you trying to give it the big I am!
When you first came onto the scene I could have been like this with you but I didn't. New players coming into the game happens compared to some I am new to the game. I was happy to just let you get on with it.

Now the next time you come into the toilets saying you want a fight and yeah it was 1 on 1 but you had a mate standing behind you for back up no doubt and more maybe coming in. But no! They were were outside causing some damage to my car. Very childish by the way I mean who goes around scratching cars? I'm not saying I would have won and yeah I didn't fight back. I was have a really hard time last year and couldn't deal with it all.

Also, what then is the reason for trying to kick robson off a machine in Sunderland centre just a few weeks ago? And also putting the windscreen through on titch"s car? Were they also cheeky and arrogant to you? It seems to me you just like causing trouble and again trying to give it the big I am.

And as for saying you don't come to my area for my benefit is that some sort of joke? The only reason you don't go to Teesside is because you send titch and brad down here. That's the only reason you don't come! Just what do you think gives you the right to try and tell people where they can and cannot go?!

Putting whatever differences aside would you admit that doing that to my car was completely out of order and now that the dust has settled be willing to pay for the damage you caused?

Like I said I'm not looking for any more trouble to kick off. It's all in the past.

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 12:31 am
by doingthem
I once hit a pot hole whilst coming off the a1 near Newcastle and the outcome was me needing a new tyre,as this is your patch I'd like to offer you the opportunity to reimburse me,I also had a tuna sandwich from the shell garage across the road I'll be puuting that on the bill to,cheers.

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 4:14 am
by Glendale
Tuna sandwich? Horrible things! Mexican chicken then we could sort something out! :-)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:53 am
by BFK
This all sounds very pathetic!!

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 10:06 am
by Oscar
This all sounds like one of those discussions best had in private. Nothing to be gained from arguing on a public forum, unless you have the creative skills to convey your sentiments in a fashion which also provides amusement for those who read it.

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 2:20 pm
by bubbles
doingthem achieved all that in his post! ;)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:00 pm
by dog section
oh my,what would lily say.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 10:59 am
by lazyboy
Mr big (Stockton Steve) if your that innocent how does all of Newcastle centre wanna clip you. Peter brown and the rest of them. You like to think your better than every 1 else.
Ya trying to big your self up saying you never fought back. Yea you did fight back swinging ya arms like a fuckin fairy.
And for my mate having my back he is 6 stone wet through and just wanted to watch us scrap.
Last time I saw you I seen you from a distance you started running away. Ran in to weather spoons. Which I had a word with you and every thing was sorted.
But you come on here with your mouth.
And for fat bong eyed robson. I don't have a problem with him, have a word with him and ask him did I say anything to him
It was some 1 a go around doing machines with who has a problem with him.
I stayed out the way as think he is a alright guy.

And for been a gang of us, yea there is a few but that's because they like to come around and watch me play machines.
But anyways ya wanna try big your self up on here. A hope to god a bump into you very soon.
And if you want private message me with your number and Al come meet ya by me self for a 1 on 1 then it's Al sorted.

I'm out everyday so hopefully il bump into you very soon. See how cheeky you are then.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 11:58 am
by doingthem
You take people around because they like watching you play machines lol

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 12:03 pm
by lazyboy
yea problem ?

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 1:23 pm
by doingthem
You must have a car full

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 2:35 pm
by lazyboy
Not exactly full
3 of us out today

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 6:48 pm
by Daddysboy

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 8:43 pm
by WhamBamThanksMam
New to fruit chat
Hi everyone just flicking through the posts I like a good read myself
So I had a read of this post was an interesting read until I came
Across that link below what a horrible geezer he is if that seriously
Is his dad I think this argument is over and he should crawl back
Under his rock and never speak again unless it is the planning of
The death of his father.

People like that ruin life's and leave them scarred for the rest of
Their life he deserves every thing he gets in life I would be happy
To wish cancer upon this sex offender and would happily sit and
Watch him die.

And if they are together a lot and he has accepted his father is a rapist
Then more than likely they will be in it together or maybe even a group
Of them who he takes with him on a daily basis.

But I could be wrong I'm only going of what I've read and who am I to
Judge ?
You can be any fucking Tom dick or Harry to judge a serial sex offender!

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 8:51 pm
by lazyboy
What you on about crawl under my rock ya stupid fuck.
Who are you to judge. That's the thing. No I don't take him about doing machines and tbh I have the least as much as possible to do with the fat horrible cunt he is. You can't choose your family but you can choose your friends.
When it was supposed to have happened was 30+ years ago before I was even born. And ask me do I give a fuk.
At the end of the day it's people making fake profiles that's scared to come out and say it.
I have a good idea who it is and in my time it will be dealt with.
So if any 1 has anything to say to him ( av had my fair share to say to him while he was rotting in jail) go and see him. You will find him somewhere in Sunderland with his scruffy rotton girlfriend or if any 1 wants his number private message and il give you it.