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Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:43 pm
by Ruler of The World
Er, I'll ignore the 2 daft comments that followed what must be one of Noel's Beard's best posts and address it....

I am talking about ideal worlds, if we look at it, the only system that would really work for this model is Communism! Communism is about equality although we all know people do cheat this system. Please bear in mind that China has over 1 billion people in it, under this system! They may be oppressed and out of touch with our world (censorship is huge there as we all know) but they are a thriving economic nation... then look at your example, Greece - a capitalist continent in arguably a more civilised nation - democratic. Surely this proves the point that it is indeed possible to have an entire world like this... have you seen the size of China on a world map? What about the USSR when it was in full flow? Talk to Russians now and you'll find the ones who didn't become filthy rich due to its collapse would love to go back to that system - at least for economic reasons.

In a way social networks like Facebook and Twitter are bringing the unification of the world closer yet also tearing it to shreds... people in an oppressed country try to 'tell tales' on their own country's regime and all of the 'west' gets on the bandwagon, puts it on the news and everyone says its so terrible - but what's happening in our countries? Do we really have so much choice? Democracy is a 2 horse race, Republicans or Democrats, Labour or the Conservatives (Liberals are worthless, you'll see that after the next election), at the end of the day every government has an agenda to follow, regardless of which party is in power.

It would take a hell of a lot of work to bring it about and perhaps and entirely new economic system would need to be implemented. At least bringing some degree of equality to the people would stop killing for people in poverty since poverty would be eradicated, at least people wouldn't be killed over rights to certain land, wars wouldn't happen unless people divided again.

Its a long shot but I just feel anything is better than what exists now for the greater community within the world.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:13 pm
by titchno1
this thread is so intresting i understand everything...

i wish i did but i struggle with simple english never mind politics and other jibba jabba.

i knew i shouldnt of skived english to play pitch-n-toss.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:57 am
by Noels Beard
Well. I'm actually a big fan of the idea of Communism, you'll never here me decrying it. Unfortunately, we must realise that it almost always uniformly fails, due to human nature. Greed, pride, lust for power, laziness: all these human faculties ultimately get in the way. Communism in China has 10 years left at most, in my opinion. I like the idea of it, I'd like to think I'd participate and pull my weight, but I'm probably deluding myself.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 3:30 am
by redlinesman
Hi guys, another late one for me as managed to het stuck on my last one of the night, had a good day though.

Ruler of the world - may I recommend a book for you that looks at society and equality. It's called The Spirit Level by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett. The book argues that economic growth hits a ceiling and once this happens it has no further benefit to society. The pursuit of it results in an overriding materlistic outlook meaning social evolvement is stifled and many of society's problems are trapped in a circle.

If you are looking to turn your life around ruler of the world this could be a good text for you. I suspect most fruit machine players harbour frequent thoughts about wealth accumulation and materialistic goals, that is how they will judge their existence. When you change course it will be as if your mind has been liberated and only then will you begin a new journey.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:21 pm
by Ruler of The World
In that case, stuff the house, going out to earn and all that, I'll become a charity worker!
Plenty of experience, my last few named charities were:

William Hill
Paddy Power
Coral (turns out they really needed it)
any casino
any other betting shop
any arcade
anything I can gamble on
and saving the best until last.... LADBROKES!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:07 pm
by trayhop123
lets all go with reds plan

do away with materialistic possessions , ,,,,, set your clocks by the stars ,,,,,,

walk the earth grasshopper , ,,,,,,,, sleep when your tired , eat when youve earnt a meal by working occasionally whilst passing farms etc

can i keep my vita ? ,,,,,,,, hey cain had a flute

but what about our families ? ,,,,,,,,,, do we all live in a kibbuts kibutz (or however you spell it) ,,,,,, farm our own land ,,,,,,, go to the designated orgy room when we need sex,,,,,,,,, live equally with 6 wives each ,,,,, fiddle on roofs etc ,,,,,, trade grain , make quilts ,,,,,,, call harison ford to blend in with us if theres any trouble ?

ok serious now ,,,,,,,,,,, its never gonna happen , the fact is even if we could get away from materialistic greed and the pursuit of wealth and all go down the amish route ,,,,,,, or back to a simpler life of community based pulling together as one etc

theres simply tooooo many of us in the world now ,,,,,,,,,,,

it gets a bit dark from here on in

the population explosion isn't slowing down ,,,,,,,, and im a firm believer (sorry if im coming across all mike82 or whatever his name is) that those in power have tried to cull the numbers with man made disease like aids etc ,,,,,,,,,,,,, aids is the perfect disease because they plaster us with warnings and tv ad campaigns and then let us get on with it ,,,,,,,,,, you only die of ignorance ,,,, perfect ,,,,,,,,,,,,, im sure there have been many more epidemics that were man made througout the ages etc ,,,,,,,,, and im sure there will need to be more in the future ,,,,,, bird flu anyone ? lol

war just isn't working fast enough

its sick ,,,,,,,,, but in my mind the reality is true

put yourselves in the shoes of the men at the top ,,,,,,,,, you know resources cant stretch indefinitely ,,,,,,,, what do you do ?

ps the above could all be bollocks and just my idiotic atempt to humourise and join in with the debate team ,,,,,,,,, you decide

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:11 pm
by trayhop123
next on bbc2 , our late film ,,,,,,

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:28 pm
by eastangliapro
i have a low attention span and can't read long posts

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 3:03 pm
by Noels Beard
It's always around page 14 of a thread that the conspiracy theories come out. It would be so ironic if AIDS was designed to stop a population increase, seeing as it has for the last 30 odd years been mostly confined to the homosexual communities in the western world at least. D'oh!

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 4:50 pm
by Ruler of The World
It was designed to kill gays and its working!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 5:13 pm
by Roll_With_It_Russ
the majority of people with aids are african women.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:10 pm
by Ruler of The World
To me they are just as attractive!

By the way, do you know WHY that is? I'm pretty sure its down to some sicko myth that if an HIV positive African guy fucks a virgin he will be cured of it! WHERE DO THEY GET THIS BULLSHIT???? Imagine that, getting infected with HIV because of some mental, sicko fairy tale!

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:40 pm
by anonamouse
must be almost 25 years ago when i read Viz at school; they said all i ever needed to know about Aids. i think it was "man in the pub" or something similar;

"Aids? someone fucked a monkey. dirty cunt"

still funny to me now, i'm a sad bastard.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:57 pm
by Ruler of The World
Might as well start talking about evolution now, how has this thread evolved? We've been all over the place and all over the world!

Not joking but I am now going to read the original post, 200 replies ago and see what this was about!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:54 pm
by Ruler of The World
Just read through it (not thoroughly but it refreshed my memory)...something about moaning about the BSC... it then deviated to faking your CV, world economic systems, war, 1 post repeated, how much we affect the economy and 1 post by that complete thicko who I am sure knows who he is. I think I was a little rude to Russ and Noel's so I apologise for that, you have both made contributions which were worthwhile and kept the thread interesting. Oh, and I was accused to being a 'Tory'. I have voted once, it was in 1995 (I think) and I voted for Major when NEW LABOUR fronted by WAR CRIMINAL BLAIR won by a landslide. I thought William Hague was great and made Blair look a twat at times but the Conservatives were in disarray and had no policies in place... also Labour were never going to get booted out in 1 term when people had grown sick and tired of a long period of Conservative rule plus even Labour weren't capable of monumentally cocking up as they did by the end of their 'reign' within just 4 years. Pity it turned out that Hague had been an 'experimental bender' but each to his own...