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Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 7:01 pm
by PMK
ob wrote:
PMK wrote:Myself and the fresh one were in that very same service station on Friday ob, to be fair CA was ready and about 40 up and cluedo(chipped) was also ready, unfortunately the Jailbirds is completely f**ked and after several re-chases (none of which repeated) we gave up and licked our wounds. To say it was the worse Jailbirds I/we have ever played is some what of an under-statement!!!
That jailbirds has always been fine for me tbh from stacking. Usual is £40-50 for £70/105. Surely you aint playing it when its not stacking. The cluedo I must have been to 100 times in the last 200 days, and its dead 90% of the time on average, cash attack not even worth thinking about its that done...

Infact (no lie!!!) I did the jailbirds late last week on the cluedo side gave £105 off the JPR, so no wonder u got done :P
Of course it was stacking!! Just played like a total c**t. CA and Cluedo were sweet tho!! Strange, I'll take the jailbirds as a one off then.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:39 am
by Martal~Wombat
trayhop123 wrote:best direct your questions to martial on this topic when he gets online tonight, he has been up court on this charge of using a key, he can fill in the details but basically he had to get this chap called mark who runs his own fruit machine business in leicester (m.e electronics ) to write a statement to the court explaining that there was no financial gain to using the key, i think the charge was going equipped with intent to defraud, and through lack of evidence it got thrown out.
To elaborate on this subject, i did indeed get arrested for
possession of a refill key in 2001, at the time they were not
illegal and there was no charge, the original charge was
'going equipped to cheat' now my solicitor told me to plea
not guilty, and then the police changed the charge to
'conspiracy to defraud' (scare tactics) as this case would
have to be dealt with by crown court, as opposed to the
original charge, by magistrates court (a lesser offence)
I'll never forget in the courtroom on the trial day, the judge
looking over his glasses, which were placed on the tip
of his nose, very posh accent saying
"it's hardly the great train robbery is it?"
Can't vouch for the legality of them now but would
defo advise a not guilty plea to anyone who gets caught up
in the same situation, as all the legal books came out in the
courtroom, and as there was no gain from it, there was no charge,
they even gave me my key back.... :lol:

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:57 am
by redgamer

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 1:52 am
by redlinesman
My personal oponion is that using a refill key is very dodgy and I would never risk it. Its obvious that people shouldn't be doing this and I don't why the bloody things aren't disabled. I know most players carry keys, but its normally the player who feels he has to much to lose that won't even contemplate it. If I was to be caught on camera this could trigure an investigation, and I simply would not risk it after all the years hard work ive put in. On the other hand, if I was some desperate kid with fuck all in the bank, i probably would use one.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 2:12 am
by Martal~Wombat
Surely a refill key is essential to know where u stand with stuff.....
would an electrician go to work without a screwdriver ?

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 2:45 am
by ob
redlinesman wrote:My personal oponion is that using a refill key is very dodgy and I would never risk it. Its obvious that people shouldn't be doing this and I don't why the bloody things aren't disabled. I know most players carry keys, but its normally the player who feels he has to much to lose that won't even contemplate it. If I was to be caught on camera this could trigure an investigation, and I simply would not risk it after all the years hard work ive put in. On the other hand, if I was some desperate kid with fuck all in the bank, i probably would use one.
The thing is, some pubs you can blatently get away with it... ie. posh pubs, or pubs that are so busy no one is looking at the machines etc. In these cases it's not really very dangerous to key... although I can see where you're coming from with this post yes...

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:32 pm
by thecannonball89
why wudnt you not use a key? I say key evryfing.. what they guna do honestly!

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:51 pm
thecannonball89 wrote:I say key evryfing..
Except other people's cars... :wink:

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:04 pm
by harry2
I've seen a punter get a good hiding for using a key in a snooker club. Owner thought the guy was ripping the machine off.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:16 pm
by pager
At the local Bowling alley here,they have alot of reds etc and you can use the key easily,yes there are a few cameras but theres hardly anyone ever about at the bars etc and never watch you so why not,they cheat you ex.hi on a 2 to a 1 so why not use a LEGAL bit of help for yourself?
:D :D :D :D

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:41 pm
by harry2
The problem is that the law is ambiguous on this topic. Whilst it isn't illegal to use a key most operators brief there staff to be on the lookout for any suspicious behaviour, especially with toolers out there. You could easily be detained and the police called. Then half the day down the cop shop before being released.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:26 pm
by pager
Im pretty sure theres a guy who uses some sort of tool down there too,Ive seen him numerous times with his backpack on dodging around the machines,and funny enough the reds seem his favourite,but he doesnt always play them,sometimes he has a fish around them and clears off but soon enough is back when the coast is clear.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:29 pm
by Martal~Wombat
harry2 wrote:most operators brief there staff to be on the lookout for any suspicious behaviour, especially with toolers out there. You could easily be detained and the police called.
Good point that, its the toolers that made it 'on top' for us, i mean barstaff
aint gonna come up and ask you if you are only just taking a reading,
The 6 second jobs are a nightmare too, many times ive pulled-out
4 seconds into the action!

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:42 pm
by redlinesman
Toolers are basically just thieves, as are those who were doing the note scam. These types of people are generally down and outs and will do anything to get a few quid. I think refill keys are just a nuisance really, and I do wish they were disabled. I think people who use refill keys are responsible for bringing more heat on players (because they normally are in twos) and instantly look suspcsious huddled against the machine. The guy who mentioned that refill keys were essential for playing is talking rubbish, but I do understand him in a way because so many players would be lost without their key. I tend to look down on players who use a key as no-hopers even though its probably about 75% of the playing population. Don't know if its a coincidence but it seems to be the guys who have made the most down the years, are the ones that don't carry a key. Maybe its a mindset thing but I've lost count the number of times that key merchants leave ready machines. They just seen to rely on the free read, even when this read is quite often totally innacurate. I just prefer to stick a few quid in and find out, even if does cost me the odd 15 quid.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:06 am
by bigv038
You have to use a key these days. Too many things can burn you. Specially that £10 on a red when it's finishing up a streak.
As for the no-hoper part - Please tell me you are joking? :? You keep trying your £15 to check I'll keep keying thanks :lol: