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Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 2:58 pm
by cloud9
Being a top boy in fruitmachine playing may earn you the respect of your peers (other gamblers) who may look up and aspire to be like you. But if you sit down and analyse a so called top boy a typical profile would be aged between 30-40, in poor shape due to the long hours poor diet and mental fatigue that comes with being a gambler of any description, due to there age they will probably have a few dependent children which gives them the added pressure to earn so they can provide for them, the long hours required will most likely effect there social lives so the only people they converse with will be other gamblers and the topic of conversation will be fruitmachines with maybe a bit of football thrown in, also relationships will likely suffer as how many girls grow up dreaming of marrying an out of shape ageing gambler who does nothing but talk on his phone about fruitmachine and if he's not doing that he's out playing them I'd guess no many. All in all you get a pretty sad looking figure.
That's some of the negatives but the positives could be they are there own boss the income can be good (if not sporadic) that have like minded friends.
I'm not having a dig at anyone here I've been at the top and I've been rock bottom it's usually when your rock bottom you find out who your friends are (they are not normally the gamblers there to busy gambling to worry about you) which is understandable.
Success is relative is a top boy gambler successful in there life? yes! if you are looking at them through the eyes of another gambler
Is a top boy gambler successful through the eyes of a doctor or builder or electrician or successful business man? I'm not so sure

I don't know you ruler but my advice would be do something that makes you happy if that's gambling then so be it.
Just remember the grass isn't always greener the on the other side and people can outwardly appear to have it all but scratch beneath the surface and you will find many top boys look back at there lives and wonder did i waste my life looking at a glass screen!

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 3:26 pm
by titchno1
You don't have to be out of shape, if people used there mind/discipline and everything else they need to be a decent fruit machine player they would easily be in shape and healthy. There really is no excuses to being obese, nobody makes you drink 15 pints a day or have take always daily. People just use fruit machines as an excuse because bad habits set in or they just love indulging in shite every day.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 3:58 pm
by trayhop123
top post cloud ,,,,,,,,,,,

and titch your right of course , we could all use a little food discipline ,,,,,,,,,,,,, but taste overpowers me ,,,,,,,,,,,

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 4:01 pm
by logopolis
Oscar wrote:I see what you are saying but everyone says 'I'll keep this to myself' when in reality some people will already be assessing the potential and longevity of the trick to see who they can pass it onto in order to perhaps reap a fresher trick once it is all over. You need foresight to succeed long term, mishandling information is very costly not only financially but to your reputation.

For example, and Will probably remembers this, a friend of mine had something years ago and felt the time was right to sell it on. He was agitated because we had just paid for a list of P1 Vamp it Ups and were being sidetracked by this, and my friend wanted to recoup some of the considerable outlay. He rang his friend D, gave him the usual spiel that he was the only person being offered it etc and that few people were doing them. Once the phone call was over my friend invited me to try and set up a sale with somebody.

So after some consideration I rang Will, who I barely knew, and offered him the trick, along with the usual pleasantries and sales pitch.

What I wasn't aware of was that he was actually sat in the same car as D at the time.


Not my finest hour, but having been out of the game for a couple of years now I don't really care what embarrassment it causes me. You need your eyes wide open in this game...


Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 4:05 pm
by Oscar
I can understand players in their late 30's or 40's being out of shape because going back to the 1990's it didn't require much discipline or effort to make good money. You simply just turned up and took the value whenever you felt like it as there was no competition back then. Maybe on the coast but very little inland. In those days if smackheads or the unemployable needed money they would go and rob a house or go shoplifting. Today those sort of people sidle up to players and worm their way into the game via them. Then all of a sudden you are competing with these people on a daily basis.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 4:14 pm
by titchno1
Iv went from 14 stone 9 to 12 stone 12 recently. Nearly 2 stone iv lost. I love food! Iv changed my lifestyle I have been lifting for several months now and I dont think I would ever stop now! its not just the lifting its all the nutrition side of it. People need hobbies outside of gambling. In a way mine comes hand in hand with what i do. I get to pick what i eat every day, i pick what days/times i want to work out with my best mates. The body is an amazing bit of kit. Im gunna stop waffling now.

Bottom line is GET A LIFE!! if thats doing excercise or following a football team or having latest technology or other things more original like lee, so be it enjoy yourself. Everyone is different. Their is more to life than fruit machines!!!

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 4:20 pm
by cloud9
trayhop123 wrote:top post cloud ,,,,,,,,,,,

and titch your right of course , we could all use a little food discipline ,,,,,,,,,,,,, but taste overpowers me ,,,,,,,,,,,
Thanks tray it's seems to have sparked a discussion about getting in shape which can't be a bad thing

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 4:21 pm
by titchno1
The fact for some one being out of shape in their 30s 40s probably has nothing to do with playing. Its probably the fact they are married with kids let them selves go abit. Which is normal. Smack heads running around doing the flickies isnt going to make some one fat. Some people just dont realise what they eat drink is important.. then they get a health scare due to bad eating drinking at a young age...

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 4:51 pm
by Ruler of The World
Noels Beard wrote:If someone had next to no money, through a chronic gambling problem, it would be incredibly difficult to trust them with information no matter how much you wanted to help. This situation has come about in the past and invariably, the information is then used as blackmail to demand a float, or just as a tool to feather ones nest with other information hungry individuals. When you don't have enough money to go out and play the game you just phone up your mate and take him with you, destroying the information.
What a pathetic attempt to vindicate the liar you work for! I would concentrate on going to him for more lying classes and master the art of manipulation if I were you, you clearly still have a lot to learn from your master.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 4:58 pm
by logopolis
Yes Will has managed to get himself into some very strange situations in the past. Might not all be just in the past aswell!

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 5:52 pm
by Noels Beard
Logopolis, no amount of slander is going to salvage your reputation. It's evident to anyone with even a casual interest that I've now made my way into your little black book of discontent. I'm just waiting for you to leave a bag of dog poo on my doorstep, or something equally mature. Go and get yourself on a dating site or something. Chill out a bit. Discover your genitals.

Oh and stop using the cubicle in the toilets when the urinals are free. Now THAT is a sticky situation.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 11:36 pm
by logopolis
I really don't care about this business anymore. The occupation that you still solely rely on to pay your bills. I stopped caring months, maybe even a year ago. So you expect me to leave something on your doorstep! Interesting. You are nowhere near notorious enough to warrant an entry into anybody's black book of discontent. That's a big problem of yours, you think too highly of yourself.

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 12:05 am
by Noels Beard
So why are you on here? And why are you making the initial comment? It's sad and childish.

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 12:25 am
by maverick69
Life's a competition and there are always going to be winners and looser's, i am not saying its fair but that's the way it is

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 12:28 am
by Ruler of The World
Logopolis is right, you are so arrogant and egotistical that you are blind to it and I wonder who it rubbed off from! You are very good at making yourself a hated character, you turned me against you all by yourself and the more you go on, the more I dislike you.