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Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:23 am
by betchrider
No good on a run Gary they only do about 100 mile on a charge

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 1:10 pm
by Scott
As things move on i'm sure the battery will last longer, remember mobile phones when you had to carry a big transformer with you lol.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:39 pm
by trayhop123
not necessarily so . though .

basic old nokia phones (and my 15quid shitty samsung) can go a week without charge ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, but look what has happened over the years , by adding a lot more tech , some modern phones last half a day.

a striped down lightweight bog standard electric car could work ,,,,,, but unless it can do 200 plus miles between charges , or a super quick 10min charge at services ,,,,,,, whats the point ???

something will have to give soon though ,,,,,,,,, i recently watched a documentary that said the oil reserves are running dry ,,,,,,,, and wont last another 30 years ,,,,,,, and it said that with the technology they now have , they've practically scanned every inch of the plannet , and there are no new wells to be found.

they even said , believe it or not , only 70% of oil used goes towards transportation ,,,,,,,,,, the rest is in everyday manufacture , plastics , electronics , etc.

one bloke said , our grandchildren ,,,,,,,,,,, only the super rich will be able to afford air travel . ,,,,,,,,,,, and he also said nuclear isnt the future neither ,,,,,,,, because eventually the worlds uranium would run out too.

he said the only sustainable future energy source he could fathom comes from the sun,,,,,,,,,,, but to power the whole of america continuously would require a solar panel the size of texas.

he said , in as little as 30 years , if the scientists dont get there act together , the world will be in crisis , and that the only logical conclusion would require global war simply to reduce the population numbers , so that those remaining could live of the resources we have left.

scary thought.

sorry ,,,,,,,, enjoy your tea , lol

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:36 pm
by milk monitor
trayhop123 wrote:not necessarily so . though .

basic old nokia phones (and my 15quid shitty samsung) can go a week without charge ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, but look what has happened over the years , by adding a lot more tech , some modern phones last half a day.

a striped down lightweight bog standard electric car could work ,,,,,, but unless it can do 200 plus miles between charges , or a super quick 10min charge at services ,,,,,,, whats the point ???

something will have to give soon though ,,,,,,,,, i recently watched a documentary that said the oil reserves are running dry ,,,,,,,, and wont last another 30 years ,,,,,,, and it said that with the technology they now have , they've practically scanned every inch of the plannet , and there are no new wells to be found.

they even said , believe it or not , only 70% of oil used goes towards transportation ,,,,,,,,,, the rest is in everyday manufacture , plastics , electronics , etc.

one bloke said , our grandchildren ,,,,,,,,,,, only the super rich will be able to afford air travel . ,,,,,,,,,,, and he also said nuclear isnt the future neither ,,,,,,,, because eventually the worlds uranium would run out too.

he said the only sustainable future energy source he could fathom comes from the sun,,,,,,,,,,, but to power the whole of america continuously would require a solar panel the size of texas.

he said , in as little as 30 years , if the scientists dont get there act together , the world will be in crisis , and that the only logical conclusion would require global war simply to reduce the population numbers , so that those remaining could live of the resources we have left.

scary thought.

sorry ,,,,,,,, enjoy your tea , lol
HRN - Canada

Three companies that will announce and an oil discovery in the next week in Somalia, I'm £10k into them, you still have time. I been following/ researching the situation for over a year. The region is Puntland, and this is the main reason for the Somalia conference in London last month, British companies are hoping to steal a march and make lot of money out of this.

I will update when my prediction comes true.

Overpopulation will be a big problem in the future.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:26 pm
by silent g
milk monitor wrote:Did you work it out yourself?
what ?

and electric cars are a rip off, theyre like iphones, theyve got the new and better ones made but sell the shit to make money.
electric cars could quite easily have a dynamo system sort of thing, alternators charging one batter when the other one is running the car.
theres all kinds of ways to make them better that you wont see for years :/

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:51 am
by blackmogu
It's not so scary when you realise there are other fuels that are perfectly viable, just that the oil companies have either bought the competition and killed the tech or it's simply more expensive to convert your car / buy one that runs on ethanol or vegetable oil for example. Once oil becomes prohibitively expensive to buy, the demand for alternative techs will soar, and prices will fall.

For example, algae based biofuel has been shown to yield viable quantities of fuel per acre to effectively alleviate our dependency on oil based products like plastic and petrol.

It's not all doom and gloom, we just haven't hit the tipping point when the remaining oil is priced too high that we have the impetus to change.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:56 am
by blackmogu
silent g wrote:what ?

and electric cars are a rip off, theyre like iphones, theyve got the new and better ones made but sell the shit to make money.
electric cars could quite easily have a dynamo system sort of thing, alternators charging one batter when the other one is running the car.
theres all kinds of ways to make them better that you wont see for years :/
This would only work if you are coasting downhill or wanted to stop, otherwise it'll be costing you energy in mechanical to electrical conversion inefficiencies.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:06 am
by uber-pro
an area of solar panels 250miles square(might be 25msq actually...) on the equator could meet the worlds power needs, they recently found oil in argentina, north sea reserves have another 40 years, and renewable wind and wave are coming on nicely. Think that documentry you watched is bollocks lee!

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:50 am
by Been-Grant-Mitchell'd!
This is why the Large Hadron Collider is more important than some people think.
It most likely will unlock secrets of energy supplies etc.

The best matter to energy conversion rate we can achieve is nuclear fission and that only yields less than 1% conversion whereas anti-matter/matter is 100%.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:10 pm
by Plumy2k
It is possible to run cars and I'd imagine a lot of other things purely on hydrogen, which is the most abundant element on the planet, and the only emission. Is water. At present the cost of this is approximately the same as petrol, although with a lot of research and development I'm sure this price could drop like the first coin in a spoons machine.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:54 pm
by trayhop123
the documentary is on netflix ,,,,, for those interested ,,,,,,,, it is from 2006 ,

cant remember the name ,,,,, but theres a picture of a petrol pump in the shape of a noose on the front .

they say the last major strike was indeed the north sea ,,,,,,,,,, back in 1968 lol

and with their scanning tech , say there are no more sizable wells to be found ,,,,,,,,,, only small pockets.

it goes on to say that the previous major strikes in texas , alaska , etc have all but dried up . and that all the different middle eastern companies have been falsifying well level data in order to keep the big contracts .

also , some of the experts are saying ,,,,, its not just the depletion ,,,,,,, but the continuing population boom and development of third world countries , means that the demand is rising every year .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,can these other bio fuels etc ,,,,,, meet that demand ????

seriously , if any of you have access to netflix ,,,,,,,,,,, give it a look ,,,,,,,,,, its both educational and scary at the same time

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:28 am
by streakseims
$3.90 a gallon in USA right now and people are complaining!

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:25 am
by eastangliapro
them yanks don't know they were born,used to have a chrysler pt cruiser,,,,,,,,jesus wept those yanks are not 1's to worry about fuel consumption,used to do my absolute plums on fuel,,,,,,,,,,mind you my current motor isn't much better

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:40 pm
by gambogaz1
Thankfully I was having a break at centre parcs whilst all this madness was going on, noticed several garages shut on my way home Friday night.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:57 pm
by mr lugsy
best get those cars topped up again lads, all those fuel trucks might get stuck in the snow this week.