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Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:51 pm
by Master of Games
You're right. Put simply, they're jealous cunts who'd love to know what we know, know they'd be doing the same if they knew how but don't so they're determined to make things as impossible and difficult for us as possible.

On the flip side, there are A LOT of shit players out there who have no idea how to behave. I was perfectly civil until that retard barman had clearly just had enough and I had nothing to lose by "lashing out" as I did, a lot of these players turn perfect, sweet pubs into fire houses through careless, ignorant behaviour.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:58 pm
by thecannonball89
Im not taking any shit this year, if im money in and get told to leave or pluggd when iv got jackpot ect the machine will go over.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:49 pm
by LordOoze
I had a friend who once also had enough of these mgrs. A pub he went in turned the unit (arcadia worker) off as he went to the bar. So he got his drink and turned it back on. This led to the mgr saying it was broken and wasn't taking or paying coins.
Well it took a coin and my mate collected a pound which also paid out.

Mgr says well you can't play. It is going off...Much ado later my mate carried on playing and told the mgr to f off. He carried on playing until police came in and said it is private property and he must leave. Then he walked out calm and peaceful and nearly a ton up.

Very funny but just more heat in the long run.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:47 pm
by harry2
If it's a chain pub, just threaten to phone head office and complain, especially if the manager/barperson gets abusive. If it's a landlord, then you might as well just walk out. They've got the law on their side and you are on their territory. No matter if you are in the right, it's a no win situation. Chinning the barman, pouring drink on the floor or tipping a machine over isn't going to have any long term benefit, really, is it ? Then again, there's only so much aggro an individual can take.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:18 pm
by Nixxy
jeffvickers wrote:Try handing 2 winning tickets in a fire pub on a freshy Juicy Lucy!
I was made to feel terrible the other day in one of these situations - found a DOND Gold on a Juice terminal with a full cashpot, got it and some other half-decent stuff while winding down - ended up with a ticket for £90.00.

Not too awful, you might think - handed ticket to barmaid .. 'HOW MUCH?!'

She turns to the manager and says 'have we even got £90 in the till?' by this point everyone within spitting distance is aware I'm trying to claim my £90.00 winnings, and muttering as though I'm some sort of freak for winning that amount.

I'm then asked if I would mind cashing it in on Friday evening (bearing in mind it's Tuesday lunchtime and I'm at least 20 miles from home) when they'll have enough cash ... anyone would think I'd bankrupted them FFS. I declined, manager disappeared for a few minutes and returned with £90.00, of which £30.00 was in £5 notes.

If this is the sort of attention it's gonna warrant, I'll be avoiding these bastard Juice terminals in future.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:48 am
by Oddfeet63
When they were good see how fire it was with 250 ticket follwexd by a 300 ticket now that's fire

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:51 pm
by Spyder
Oddfeet63 wrote:When they were good see how fire it was with 250 ticket follwexd by a 300 ticket now that's fire
autopay tickets are funny.. cause if they look at the machine its really really suspicious.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:22 am
by streakseims
Yep got banned last night, Due to "Scamming" the machine!

It was an Amazing! lol sad thing was it was Notey on when I went in and if its on then usually £100 profit as It gets alot of play. I once left it with £1 in and after 3 days I went back and £4 in give an IM for £85! then took 4 JP after and walked around £160 up lol SICK

went to the other Amazing to find it had gone :x

Did make A nice little vid of being banned

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:20 pm
by Master of Games
You people keep going on about your tickets and fire, I'd laugh if a bar-person set one of your tickets on fire and told you to clear off!