Another One Bites The Dust

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Another One Bites The Dust

Post by rocket »

Discipline - the key to success in all gambling, surely? And I have confirmed, once and for all, that I don't have any. So I'm giving up now.

Just been playing on Virgin Casino. Deposited £8 and managed to get it up to £38. I played on, saying 'I'll stop at £30 and withdraw'. But it was too easy to press 'Spin' one more time and play on. I eventually withdrew £20, but a few hours later deposited another tenner and lost it. So instead of a £30 profit, I've made £2.

I just can't discipline myself. I did get off the online gambling for a while but have slipped back into it recently and lost a load again. Add to this the ridiculous fruit machine playing (quite often when I'm pissed). The other night me and a mate said we would limit ourselves to £3 each then leave it. That was fine until I was pissed, and I woke up the next morning having lost £25 (don't even remember doing it). Sometimes I could afford it - except at the minute my bank account is empty, I've no work coming in and my van is off the road needing a couple of hundred pounds spending on it to get it going, plus I owe a good few hundred pounds.

So thats it - I'm making a big effort to give up completely, with the exception of rare things like going to the casino for a mates birthday, where we limit ourselves to £15 each playing small stake roulette & blackjack. If I have to give my wallet to a mate to stop me spending any more then so be it, that's what I'll do - and the same goes for when I'm in the pub near a fruit machine. Lifes too short to waste money gambling, especially when your heart is willing the next spin to drop in jackpot, but your head is telling you that it just isn't going to happen.

Cheers guys - thanks for some great laughs, help, advice, support encouragement etc since I joined here. I might drop in from time to time to catch up with you all, but it'll be sparingly and whenever I do, remind me that I'm a non gambler!

All the best!

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Post by mattrick »

Good luck dude, stick to the drumming, drinking and givin the women some loving before you get too old (like me!!)
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Post by mjd »

good luck, Discipline is difficult. I agree theres so much more to life than gambling, I keep telling myself 'Next month eh!?'

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Post by Drpepper »

It's hard to quit unless you really really want to, take most of the people posting quitting threads here then gambling a week later.

So if you're really really wanting to quit, then good luck mate. If you're not 100% committed, just try and cut down considerably... that's what i did, no point trying to do something if you're not sure you can achieve it.

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Post by CrosbyRules »

I quit, then started again when I realised that even though it's a shit thing to do, 150-200 a week isn't at all bad :D
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Post by Mattb »

Fair play if you want to pack it all in 8) I don't think i'd ever be able to completely stop....if i saw someone do a load through a machine then the gambler in me would tell me to be on there like a shot and mop up! Luckily i have 2 jobs to keep me busy now, so i can just play maybe once a week or so.
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Post by Martal~Wombat »

Its that possible big raise round the corner
that keeps me going, i always wander what
2 do if i ever give up, i know this sounds sad
but its always been part of my life and i DO
still enjoy the buzz, we all have bad days
though and have all gave 'giving up' a thought,
c'mon every1 must have!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck Rocket, hope it all works out 4 ya...
..having a coffee in a spoons near you soon :))
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Post by Firefox »

Why do I get the funny feeling that I will see a post from Rocket in about a weeks time saying how much he's just won. :roll:
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Post by Stopnstep »

Good luck mate but why not just cut right down and only gamble when you can afford it, I know it is easy to say but it works for me.
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Post by Texas Pete »

I quit completely as a New Years resolution and haven't put a penny in a machine since. Hardly even think about them when I'm out drinking anymore, if a mate needs a hand with a feature or something I'm happy to help out, but I've just totally lost interest in them. I found it harder quitting the forums than the actual machines! Still check the usual sites every now & then to see if anything interesting is going on.

Personally cutting down is just not an option for me, if I'm going to quit something I just cut it out completely, no messing about! My gambling these days is restricted to footy accumulators and the occasional punt on the horses.

Good luck to you if you're trying to quit though, it really is just a case of getting out of the routine, once you've gone a week or 2 without playing a machine you'll be suprised how little you even think about it anymore.
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Post by Mattb »

Agree with that pete!

When i was jobless and playing 3 times a week there was nowt else on my horizons! Now i don't get time to play any more, you certainly think about the fruits a lot less. Sure i still like to have a dapple at the weekend and that, but there is a lot more to the world than pound coins and spinning reels.
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Post by Fruit_world »

I'm the same as Rocket, I'm off them too.

Just watching my mates play reminds me how engrossed I've been on them.

Post by Guest »

Texas Pete wrote:I quit completely as a New Years resolution and haven't put a penny in a machine since. Hardly even think about them when I'm out drinking anymore, if a mate needs a hand with a feature or something I'm happy to help out, but I've just totally lost interest in them. I found it harder quitting the forums than the actual machines! Still check the usual sites every now & then to see if anything interesting is going on.

Personally cutting down is just not an option for me, if I'm going to quit something I just cut it out completely, no messing about! My gambling these days is restricted to footy accumulators and the occasional punt on the horses.

Good luck to you if you're trying to quit though, it really is just a case of getting out of the routine, once you've gone a week or 2 without playing a machine you'll be suprised how little you even think about it anymore.
..just a quick q dude...your avatar it a pic from a film..if so which one cos it rings a bell...just cant quite place it.....
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Post by harry 3 »

Thats Eraserhead, a David Lynch film.
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Post by toothless11 »

Pokerpete, you couldn't be more right. I totally agree with you! I too have also given up fruits and haven't played one in 5 weeks. I thought to myself about every weekend i go out and spend half the time on fruits. By the end of the night i'm pissed, 60 quid up and my night paid for but i spent little time with the lads.

In my opinion, i would rather spend time 'fucking about' with my mates than win 60 quid. The following day talking about what went on etc is memories which no fruit machine can give you.

Ive lost interest in them, and the most annoying thing is that (Not being big-headed) is i know im a very 'switched' on player. I've been in the game for a long time now and to be fair i have enjoyed every last moment of it. the fact that i know that i can constantly win on them is the hardest part of giving them up. I never have played for enjoyment, always for the profit.

There comes a time in your life where you grow up and you realise that there are better things in life. Everyone has their own cup of tea though!!!
